Sunday, November 2, 2008

गुइतर गमेस एंड Pinguins

It's almost as big as politics or religion: Guitar Hero WT or rock band II? this is my assessment, having played both?

GRAPHICS: Guitar hero
It was close, but guitar hero won with less pixily, yet more unrealistic look.
With everything already laid out in the store, easily assessable new instruments, Rock band beat out GH.
rock band's premise of a WT is much different then guitar hero. You get managers, get fans, get cash, all while touring and getting challenges. GH's is just playing songs in cities for a cut of money.

Song Choice: RB
Oh, my! I was suppppprised by number of songs on rock band over guitar hero! In the first ten minutes, I was singing along to a number of songs I knew. With GH, I only knew 2% of the songs I played. Most were modern songs from groups I HATED! The only thing they had over RB were Hotel California and Beat It. Usually it was RB that had the newer selection.

So overall, GO RBII!

on an unrelated note, the image up top shows the end of a comic and artist we should all give a standing ovation, Opus and Berkeley Breathed! I wuved dat penguin from his beginning in the arctic to his time in the shelter. So, a standing ovation or a moment of silence for Opus, and as the wise man say "let the sleeping penguin lay!"

goodnight Opus!