Saturday, September 6, 2008

पलीं इस होर्रिड!

I hate McCain's VP pick. She is, excuse my french, but a PRIC! Going against everything her party stands for!

1. immoral
So, as you have heard, Sarah Palin's daughter, age 17, is PREGNANT! For one, what does that have to with this race except for go against her? My opinion is if you can't even control your 17 year old, how can you control a whole country?! She is acting like it a great thing, how she is going to be a grandmother and all. Last time I checked, it was bad to have a baby at 17!

2. Giving republican's a bad name
I'm a blue-blooded democrat (or are they red?), but I also believe in a fair election, and Palins is not helping! Early, the republicans kicked Obama for appealing to crowds such as holly wood and so on, and (surprise, surprise) The most recent US magazine has Palin on the cover, promoting underage sex and baby having! The reason i'm not pinning this on the republicans is that they can't stop her from doing stints like this! It is her conscious choice! Hypocritical pie, anyone?

so, from apart from her, I'm not fond of McCain or Biden Either, but she just presses my buttons way too much! This Palin-McCain Campaign is a disgrace!

So, now that this is off my chest, I can move on.
Google just got way more awesome, like they can get cooler (Google is the only copany i'd let take over the world, and be fine with) , by releasing Google Chrome, there own browser! After they fix a few gliches, It is going to be awesome!

In movie news, summers over! top movies:

Dark Knight.....
Iron Man .....
Speed Racer .....
WALL-E .....
Meet Dave
Hulk .....
Prince Caspian ....

And finally, Youtube Star this time is Whatthebuck show. He is an awesome commentator for hollywood and amusing to just listen to. Soo...

and that's it!

McCain or Obama?
Do you like Palin?